HIV prevention campaigns reaches 123,494 people in Lusaka through TCE


DAPP started to work with the Total Control of the Epidemic (TCE) in Lusaka in April 2015. 40 field officers from Southern Province were allocated to 3 major townships namely Kamwala, Kabwata and Mtendere. Through one to one interactions as well as through campaigns the Field Officers have to date managed to test over 123,494 people and have referred over 77% tested HIV positive to HIV treatment.

Activities in 2016 continue to focus on HIV Testing and Counselling as well as prevention activities with much focus on adolescent girls and young women, key population and the project will further start activities in two prisons to assist the inmates.

Through the TCE program, DAPP directly provides community mobilization on understanding HIV/AIDS, its prevention, referring for HIV testing and building a movement of community activism of people within the specific communities. In addition, the project aims at increasing prevention for female sex workers, therefore, 1,306 female sex workers have been sensitized on HIV/AIDS prevention messages and some of which were counseled and tested for HIV. The project also distributed 122,400 male condoms and 2,000 female condoms.

Project funder: Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC)
Project Duration: Five years
Project Partner: Ministry of Health and Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare
Target Areas: Lusaka, Central and Southern provinces

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