The HITACHI-DAPP project hands-over boreholes, an incinerator and a shelter


In partnership with the Hitachi Company in Zambia, DAPP Zambia sunk 5 boreholes in Lubansa, Ndango, Mukunya, Mutanuka and Shisholeka areas, which will provide clean water to over 1000, households directly projects in three districts, namely, Chongwe, Kitwe and Solwezi, A handover ceremony was held in Chongwe, 13th January, 2017.

Hitachi funds these projects as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility to the local communities in which they operate and are aimed at supporting and empowering local Zambian communities. The project identified challenges faced by the people in the specified locations, which if alleviated would enhance their living standards, among them poor access to safe water in their communities, as well as the lack of vital facilities such as a clinic incinerator and good shelter at the Chainda Clinic.

In response to these needs, the project embarked on contributing towards Government efforts in enhancing development and sunk 5 boreholes in Lubansa, Ndango, Mukunya, Mutanuka and Shisholeka areas, which will provide water to over 1000, households directly. Furthermore, the project at Chainda clinic has built an incinerator to enable safe disposal of clinic waste and built a new multi-purpose shelter at the clinic. The DAPP- HITACHI project aims to improve their living standards in the projects areas of operation.

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