Agriculture and Climate Change

Our agriculture and climate change programmes support smallholder farmers to increase production, income, resilience and address the impact of climate change.

Agric Section

To support sustainable agriculture and the environment, DAPP Zambia puts farmers and their families at the centre of all activities. We set up Farmers’ Clubs as a platform for them to share new farming methods and knowledge. Farmers support one another with finance for expansion, conduct collective marketing and much more, for them to advance together towards common goals.

The farmers learn to practice conservation agriculture including diversification of produce and the use of sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices. This include sustaining natural resources in terms of water, soil and trees.

Farmers are insured using weather index to reduce their risk in case of crop failure. Internal saving groups provide farmers with a mechanism for emergency and production loans. The clubs assist farmers with market access through trained and equipped aggregators who collect the grains from fellow farmers and identify the buyers who offer the best prices.



Agric Model


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Health and Fight against HIV/AIDS

In all our health projects, we believe that starting with the people, and not the disease forms a strong foundation for communities to actively take control of their own health outcomes and help others to do the same. DAPP Zambia works in communities to support the Ministry of Health in promoting health interventions and services.


To achieve this, DAPP engages community members of diverse backgrounds and influence, among them local, traditional and faith-based leaders, neighborhood health committee members, community health workers, psychosocial counsellors, peer educators and volunteers who reach out to their own communities with key health information and interventions.

In HIV prevention, diagnosis and care, we are working in all health facilities of Lusaka, Southern, Eastern and Western provinces.

DAPP employs a comprehensive approach to the fight against major health problems including;

  • TB prevention, linkage to treatment and care
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Gender Based Violence interventions
  • Nutrition and Infants’ first 1000 days
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Malaria prevention, screening, test and treatment support



Health Model


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Community Development

Our Community Development projects place people at the forefront of driving their own development agenda using available resources.

Comm Dev

We establish structures including Community Action Groups, Self Help Groups and Youth Groups as platforms for people to share skills, experiences and knowledge for lasting, local solutions to their challenges. 

Our approach also recognises that poor health exacerbates poverty and vulnerability by reducing a family's work productivity. DAPP tackles this through a three-tier approach of prevention, treatment and aftercare services, reaching beneficiaries with services through community-based actors such as Community Health Workers, Safe Motherhood Action Groups, Youth Champions and Volunteers to combat diseases including HIV, and to improve nutrition, mother and child health as well as access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities.

We work towards improving health for children and families through the provision of clean water, adequate sanitation and improved hygiene in schools and homes by involving the children, the parents, the teachers and community volunteers.

Human rights is a cross-cutting issue in all our projects. We support people in conflict with the law by facilitating their journey of change and embracing them as they regain useful roles in society.

This is in addition to reaching out to young populations with health awareness programmes, skills training and economic empowerment.


Comm Dev Model




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DAPP Zambia has, since its inception, prioritised the education and training of children and adults to embrace lifelong learning.

Life long Education

Our pedagogy is centred around creating a space for students of all ages to be the drivers and navigators of their own training, in a collective setting where studying together and individually goes hand in hand.

Exploring the reality of life and using lessons learnt to influence that reality are essential and recognisable elements in our education projects—from preschool to teacher diploma level and academic studies that are always integrated with sustainable life skills.

Our pre-service teacher training project is designed to equip future teachers with the skills, knowledge and desire to serve in rural primary schools and be change-makers in rural communities.

We provide rehabilitation and vocational skills training to former street children. This is in addition to training rural youths in climate-smart agriculture technologies.

We support early childhood education by establishing community preschools and supporting reception classes in primary schools.



Education Model


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Clothes and Shoes

DAPP Zambia’s sale of second-hand clothes and shoes has been developed over many years as a social enterprise to create double value in promoting sustainability and supporting social development projects across Zambia.

DAPP Clothes and Shoes

Our second-hand clothes and shoes project supports efforts towards job creation, contributes towards climate change mitigation efforts and raises funds for DAPP Zambia's development projects across Zambia.

We sell the clothes using a two-week cycle where prices a dropped daily for 14 days to allow the people and traders to buy clothes and shoes at their convenient time and location. 


Clothes and shoes Map


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