Small holder farmers are integral to solving the world’s environmental and social crisis, a vital driving force towards environmentally sustainable and socially fair agriculture systems. When conditions allow for them to earn a living, they stay on the land, and they protect it. The land is the foundation for their livelihoods and their culture.
Our health project builds on the active participation of the people themselves in their communities. This includes people taking charge over their own health and it involves thousands of volunteers providing services in their communities.
Our Community Development Projects build on the people’s ability to face challenges and move forward together.
Community groups such as Action Groups, Youth Groups, and Savings Groups are key for achieving change.
Our approach to education is to create a space for Students of all ages to be the drivers and navigators of their own training, in a collective setting where studying both together and individually go hand in hand.
Our used clothes programme creates a win-win for a sustainable future: ‘new’ clothes for those who buy them; the creation of many worthwhile jobs in distribution and retail; in selling for re-use, and a significant reduction in the carbon emissions connected with manufacture.