Street children are some of the most vulnerable children on the planet, with no adult love, care and protection. They face a daily struggle for food, shelter and other needs, while in danger of abuse and exploitation, being recruited into gangs and becoming addicted to drugs.

Street children are children who depend on the streets for their survival. Most of them come from broken homes or have lost one of both parents, living in poverty and often being abused. They are drawn to the streets, getting engaged in begging, petty theft and piece work but also exposed to violence, abuse, drugs and diseases. Very few get any education and they do not learn basic life skills and ethical values.

The DAPP Children’s Town has contributed to moving children away from the streets since 1990. The project provides a new start for them through rehabilitation and training, as well as reintegration back into their communities after completing their programme.

In 2021, Children’s Town accommodated and rehabilitated 82 former street children. They were organised in 9 family Groups and took part in running the centre through functionality groups. They learned life skills and life values and took academic and vocational training. 28 children that had completed the program by the end of 2020 were supported to reintegrate back to their communities. During follow up visits, 5 of the graduated and their families were identified to receive income generation support.


Children’s Town Primary School

The DAPP Children’s Town Primary School provides a unique child centred practical and theoretical school programme from preschool to Grade 9. In 2021, 499 pupils from the surrounding communities were enrolled. The school provides a two career pathway from grade 7 to Grade 9 with pupils sitting for Grade 9 exam and TEVETA Trade Test as Modern Chef and Food Producers (mixed agriculture).

The school has become a centre for development in the area through its active engagement with the surrounding communities.