Towards Malaria Elimination

The Towards Malaria Elimination project supports 24 health facilities in three districts in North Western Province where malaria is rampant. The project focuses on community systems strengthening through community engagement activities, social behavior change communication as well as testing and treating for malaria.


Working in Kalumbila, Mwinilunga and Ikelenge districts of North-Western province, we are placing community engagement at the forefront of our Malaria fight, building on the people in communities themselves organised in more than hundred malaria action groups that we have trained to work in collaboration with the public health system and Community Health Workers to drive interventions.

The action groups mobilise the community to bury or clean mosquito breeding grounds, promote use of house spraying and repellents sourced from local materials and dispel myths and misconceptions about malaria treatment and prevention.

Our Community Health Workers conduct door- to- door screening and Malaria testing through rapid diagnostics testing, treatment of positive cases and referring severe cases to the nearest health facility.

We visit homes and hold community meetings to teach and demonstrate the proper use and care of Mosquito nets. Priority is given to homes with pregnant or lactating women and young children under the age of five and engage households on Malaria.

                                                                               Some key results from 2022


People screened and tested for malaria


People diagnosed with malaria and received treatment