Sexual and Reproductive Health for All Initiative (SARAI) was a five year project implemented in the three provinces of Zambia namely, Luapula, Muchinga and Copperbelt. The goal of the project was to increase modern contraceptive prevalence rate by 2% annually through increased and improved quality of family planning and sexual and reproductive health (FP/SRH).

The project increased the modern contraceptive prevalence rate from the initial baseline average of 36% to 48% in women of child bearing age (15 to 49 years) in the 17 targeted districts.

The project successfully scaled up the use of Sayana Press (a three month injectable contraceptive) through the Community Based Distributors (CBDs). Due to the success that was reported, the use of Sayana Press has been adapted by the Ministry of Health and scaled up to all clinics nation-wide.

The project established condom outlets especially for adolescents and youths through 472 shop owners who were trained as condom distributors. They provided an important service for the adolescents and youths as low condom usage is a key barrier to reduce unwanted pregnancies and prevention of HIV and STIs.

The project also successfully retained and motivated the 972 CBDs using the IGAs pass on loans given through health facilities.

The project increased the involvement of traditional and local leaders in family planning activities and successfully promoted men’s and women’s equal participation in deciding spacing and number of children in their families.