The Elimination 8 program in Livingstone and Sesheke Districts seeks to eliminate Malaria


A coordinated approach to achieving elimination of malaria in southern Africa has been developed by the Ministers of Health from 8 SADC countries using Regional level intelligence. The Elimination 8 project strategy is to create buffers of robust malaria control in malaria case hotspots around country borders and to limit parasite reservoirs around border areas, to stop transmission to other people and to neighboring countries. The SADC countries goal is that South Africa, Swaziland, Botswana and Nambia will achieve elimination of Malaria in 2020, and Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique in 2030.

10 Community Health Workers are working in Kazungula district border areas. They move door to door, in schools and community meetings to sensitise on prevention, providing free test and treatment for malaria. At the same time Mobile and Migrant Populations can get a free malaria test at the Malaria Health Post at Victoria Falls border by Livingstone. A Surveillance Unit operates in Sesheke district for case investigations to seek to eliminate the breeding of all mosquitos.

From August to December 2017, 17 DAPP project staff have tested 27 124 people for malaria. 976 local people were found to have malaria and treated. DAPP calls out to encourage people in the project area and country wide to be checked as a way to stop new cases from reservoirs of malaria or from people who never presented themselves to the health facilities as sick.

Many malaria campaigns were held in conjunction with District Health Officials in November and December 2017. The events were graced by the District Medical Officer represented by the District Planners and the District Surveillance Officers. The campaigns were also attended by District Malaria Task Force Chairmen, Community leaders and the Neighbourhood Health Committee members.

Malaria key messages on prevention, the importance of test and treat and the utilisation of the Border Health Post are being aired/broadcast on Radio Musi-O-Tunya the local radio station in three languages (English, Tonga and Lozi) three times a day for one month with effect from 18th December 2017. At 16th December the guest speaker was the Provincial Health Office official from Choma in charge of Malaria activities in Southern Province.

On 7th December DAPP launched a Mobile Health Post (in a container) focused on malaria testing and treatment at Victoria falls border. It was launched by the Elimination 8 Ambassador. In attendance were the Livingstone District Commissioner, Provincial Medical Office staff, National Malaria Elimination Centre officials, District Medical Officer and staff, District Malaria Task Force Chairman and border officials from all government departments and other sectors operating from the border.

The malaria project will continue from January to July 2018. The funding is from Global Fund fighting AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria regionally through Elimination 8 Secretariat and a ADPP Mozambique consortium.

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